The Value of Rest and Why It’s Important

by Brenda Yoder, MA

I’m learning why rest is important.  We recently went on vacation. While the rest was nice, part of me would’ve rather been at home doing work on my week off work.  But I’m learning the value of rest.  In today’s world, being a “busy mom” is a common experience, feeling stretched and strapped and pulled in all directions no matter what season we are in. 

Busy Mom = Good Mom………Busy mom = Worn-Out Mom.   

Are you tired and worn out?  It’s okay to say it. You’re not a loser.  Neither am I.

When I was over-committed a few years ago, I made serious changes to my life so I could withstand the demands of parenting, contribute to our college-bound household, and have some sanity while my kids were still at home. In the process, I’ve learned the importance of rest.

It’s not just for vacation anymore.

  • I’ve learned to build restful moments into my days and weeks.
  • I’ve learned to spend time on things really important to me.
  • I’ve learned to say no to things that others can do equally as well.
  • I’ve learned to say yes to things I’m passionate about because it gives me energy rather than taking energy from me.
  • I’ve learned a working, efficient routine at home is important so the demands of family life (laundry, cleaning, etc) don’t take up more time than they should.
  • I’ve learned to let certain things go – like worry over things I can’t control, being upset over what my neighbor is doing, getting caught up in the latest trends, and meeting people’s expectations.

In these things, I can rest.

It’s okay for us as parents to value rest.  There will always be more work to do, crafts to make, goals to achieve, laundry to fold, expectations to meet.

When my spirit’s at rest, my body’s at rest and vice versa.   How about you?

Where do you need to rest? 

Vacation is great, but rest as a lifestyle is where we live. 

Where do need to incorporate rest in your lifestyle as a busy mom?  Where do you need to create a restful spirit in the midst of expectations, worry, and over-stimulated technology?  Where are you striving and need a built-in vacation?

Join me in not living for retirement, but being “tired-free” while we live!