Allison is a full-time, full-on mom of three little girls, including a set of twins, born in the summer of 2012.

Taking a road trip with twins, the big sister in the middle and the BMX in the back might sound crazy, but we like to live on the edge.
Taking a road trip with your kids doesn’t have to be an experiment in complete anarchy, and as long as everyone knows what to expect, you may all survive (dare I say enjoy?) the experience.

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Allison is a full-time, full-on mom of three little girls, including a set of twins, born in the summer of 2012.

My doctor told me that a twin pregnancy was a difficult one.  I could have told her that even at six months pregnant, but I appreciated the compassion.  Everyone told me that they’d come early, and that likely, they’d be smaller than average.
At 37 ½ weeks, I was induced, and gave birth to two six pound little girls—so much for popular advice.  But here are a few details about twin pregnancy that are worth knowing if you’re in the business of carrying two.

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Allison is a full-time, full-on mom of three little girls, including a set of twins, born in the summer of 2012.

Sleep-deprivation– every parent experiences that gritty-eyed, scrambled brain, twisted stomach feeling at some point with their newborn (and if you didn’t, then go back to the land of fairy tales where you came from) but now imagine struggling with two infants who are confused about how this thing called life works.

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