I am a mother, a partner, a daughter, a sister, and a friend.

My pregnancy had been the crown jewel of my relationship with my partner up to that point. He was attentive, loving, protective, considerate, he sometimes knew what I wanted or needed before I did. Never before in our relationship had there been such backrubs! footrubs! meals!





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I am a mother, a partner, a daughter, a sister, and a friend.

My daughter Avery was born a whopping three-weeks early, and still weighed in at 7lbs 3oz – a respectable weight for even a full term baby. Because of her weight and general advanced development, her excellent latch, and my apparently adequate milk supply, we were given the green light in the hospital for exclusive breastfeeding.




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I am a mother, a partner, a daughter, a sister, and a friend.

In more primitive times, when a woman had a baby the whole village pitched in to help. There were older, wiser women to solicit advice from, other moms to gripe about the growing pains of new parenthood with, maybe even younger women to take care of the little ones when the men were out hunter/gathering and you needed a break.

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I am a mother, a partner, a daughter, a sister, and a friend.

In the last two months since my daughter was born I have realized that much of parenting at this point (besides fulfilling your baby’s basic needs) is preparing for a day in the future when you will need to address a certain issue.

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