Paula Reeves

I am the mom of 11, grandmother to 3, including a grandson with autism, mother-in-law to 3 and have been married to an amazingly patient man for 36 years.

Parenting kids with special needs is filled with challenges. Some of those may include teaching daily living skills that typical kids pick up without much effort at all. Independent dressing, toileting, eating, showering etc. are skills that often require years and years of practice. Hand over hand over and over again.


When they are finally achieved, it may seem anti-climactic and few people will cheer for your child when they’re 12 and just conquered the toilet, and you feel inappropriate making a big deal about it, maybe even embarrassed or insecure that it took so long.

It’s important for us to have people in our lives who do understand how hard fought some skills are for our kids. If your child has struggled for years to learn how to put their clothes on independently, it doesn’t matter if they’re 6 or 7 or 12, that is something worth cheering.

As the grandparent of a grandson with autism, we applaud along with our son and daughter-in-law every new skill he picks up. It’s exciting to see him imitate a sneeze or work his way into the car when all he wants to do is keep playing. As parents and grandparents we must celebrate those goals set and met. Job well done.

For those who are friends of parents with special needs kids, help your friends rejoice in their kid’s hard won feats. Those parents deserve huge pats on the backs as well, those skills weren’t accomplished without hours and hours of dedicated, frustrating parenting that may or may not be recognized by others.

Setting achievable goals is important for all of us and whether it’s to be on the honor roll or to put your underwear on correctly, all are important and should be honored as such. So, parents, think of a hard fought skill your child has accomplished and revel in it. It doesn’t matter if the world tells you it’s significant, you must revel in it. If you wait for something the world thinks is praise worthy you’ll be waiting a long time. So go ahead – celebrate!

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