I am 39 year old South African, a loving husband, devoted dad, caring friend, appreciative son, avid photographer, business traveller, world observer, people lover, negativity hater and aspiring blogger...

P1050431 150x150 Grandparents, the Opposite of Parenting

It’s hard.  It’s fun.  It’s nerve racking.  It’s gratifying.  It’s the toughest job in the world and it’s also the greatest job in the world.  It brings joy and sadness, love and resentment.  Some tasks are easy to complete, others harder than anything else you could ever attempt.  The task list changes constantly and there is a million and one theories on how to do it effectively.  This is the work of parents or as I like to call it; the opposite of what grandparents have to do.

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I am 39 year old South African, a loving husband, devoted dad, caring friend, appreciative son, avid photographer, business traveller, world observer, people lover, negativity hater and aspiring blogger...

rsz chelmsford nov 2012 70 Parenting teens Lets do this together!

“Check it out dad, my first zit!” my son said with excitement.

I burst out laughing and replied, “Don’t worry son, there will be few more where that one comes from and you might not be happy about it in a couple of months.”

I was smiling, but sadness gripped my heart, as I watched him trying to get a better view of the little red dot under his lip in the bathroom mirror.

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I am 39 year old South African, a loving husband, devoted dad, caring friend, appreciative son, avid photographer, business traveller, world observer, people lover, negativity hater and aspiring blogger...

P1040833 300x225 Handling disappointment When Jimmy doesnt make the team.

We all have experienced dissapointment in our lifes to some degree. Whether it was as serious as a failed relationship, or an arbitrary thing like a burnt meal with the in-laws at the door. Or when your dream car for which you saved up, ended up being sold a day before. The fact is, it remains an unpleasant feeling. It reminds me of a person standing to close to a window when a rock comes flying through, and the window shatters and the shards spin outward in the air, swirling, tumbling towards you and tiny pieces pierce your flesh and embed your soul.

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I am 39 year old South African, a loving husband, devoted dad, caring friend, appreciative son, avid photographer, business traveller, world observer, people lover, negativity hater and aspiring blogger...

Buenos Aires 77a e1368542048264 Joint parenting: The metrosexual fatherOk, I have received a very slight thumping from a few guys who complain about the fact that I am portraying father’s as stereotypical absent parents, who need a slap on the wrist and a massive ear tug to get them to commence their responsibility to join in and start pulling the cart that is joint parenting.

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I am 39 year old South African, a loving husband, devoted dad, caring friend, appreciative son, avid photographer, business traveller, world observer, people lover, negativity hater and aspiring blogger...

Family October 2012 047 copy 300x198 Happy Mothers day from a dad...

As a man who arrived late when God was dishing out patience, emotion, empathy and  sensitivity (I was fighting my way to the front of the queue for fun, humor and well that’s about it) I consider it my obligation to wish all the mothers reading this a very happy mother’s day.



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I am 39 year old South African, a loving husband, devoted dad, caring friend, appreciative son, avid photographer, business traveller, world observer, people lover, negativity hater and aspiring blogger...

P1020558 300x225 Joint parenting: Dads, we need to get with the program

It is ironic that I am writing this post addressing fathers who are not guilty of what I will be saying.  Like always I will be preaching to the converted, but here’s hoping that more men wake up and take on the role of a modern dad.

What I want to say to father’s everywhere is summed up in five words:  We need to get more involved.  Joint parenting is about two people sharing the responsibility for raising children, the mom and dad.

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I am 39 year old South African, a loving husband, devoted dad, caring friend, appreciative son, avid photographer, business traveller, world observer, people lover, negativity hater and aspiring blogger...

Islands Feb 2013 055 300x198 Work / Parenting Conundrum, Appreciate them Now.

There are countless stories of people who survived great odds.  People who stared death in the face and lived, those who have the most amazing stories to tell their grandchildren one day. The one common thing that is evident from all these survival stories is the fact that they all come back saying how much they appreciate life, family and all the rest of it.

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I am 39 year old South African, a loving husband, devoted dad, caring friend, appreciative son, avid photographer, business traveller, world observer, people lover, negativity hater and aspiring blogger...

IMG 20120128 00014 mod 300x214 Sibling rivalry: Judge and jury

We understand kids go through different stages growing up.  Infants, toddlers, young kids, tweens etc. What is interesting is that life made sure that every stage brings some good, bad and ugly for parents to deal with. In the case of father’s the bad things sometimes just becomes disgusting.  Things that men are never supposed to deal with, but as supporting husbands who wants to be involved we sometimes have to get our hands dirty.

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I am 39 year old South African, a loving husband, devoted dad, caring friend, appreciative son, avid photographer, business traveller, world observer, people lover, negativity hater and aspiring blogger...

July 2012 113 copy e1366883010974 Raising Children: A Manual for Each One.

26% of the world population are under 15 and that implies that there are 18,2 million kids roaming the earth. And fortunately for most of them; they are not mindless zombies with no direction or sense of life, they are guided and tutored by adults, occupying several different roles, parents, single parents, gay parents, care givers, teachers and foster parents; to only name a few.

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